Social media marketing agencies (SMMA) are fast becoming a popular way to earn a substantial income with the potential to make $15,000 or more per month in just 60 days. However, starting an SMMA requires careful planning and execution, and some crucial factors must be considered if you hope to achieve success. In this guide, we will discuss the essential steps to building a profitable SMMA that can be scaled over time.


Set Your Income Goal

The first step in building a successful SMMA is determining how much you want to earn and how many clients you need to reach that goal. For instance, if you aim for $15,000 per month and charge $1,500 per client, you will need ten clients. It’s essential to select a niche and type of service that can be scaled over time so you can operate in that area for an extended period. Additionally, focusing on a high-impact service, like increasing engagement or views, will help you stand out from competitors.


Offer a Service with Measurable Returns

Your services should have a measurable return, such as a 20% increase in sales or a 30% increase in traffic. SMMA services are numerous and include services such as email marketing, thumbnail design, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, Google ads, conversion optimization, short-form content repurposing, content creation, and influencer marketing. Using Chachi PD will help you identify high leverage services that you can offer.


Use Effective Outreach Methods

To start your SMMA, all you need is a simple website with a calendly link for booking calls. There are various ways to acquire clients, such as using Upwork to find clients looking for your services. You can reach out to potential clients on Instagram by finding influencers within your niche and then contacting their followers who own businesses. Lastly, Facebook groups can also be useful in acquiring new clients. Once potential clients have been identified, using Loom to record a five-minute video of yourself showing how you can help the clients and inviting them to a Zoom meeting can be incredibly effective.


Offer a Scalable Product

It’s crucial to offer a scalable product by providing a service that can be easily taught to a virtual assistant. Whether you choose to provide the service yourself or hire someone to do it for you, it should be easily teachable. Freelancers on websites such as Upwork can be trained by recording yourself performing the service and using standard operating procedures (SOPs).


Create YouTube Videos to Pitch Your Services

Creating YouTube videos teaching the service you plan to offer is an effective way to sell your services to clients. The process involves creating three videos per week pitching your services, which can then be repurposed for platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. Although it may not produce immediate results, it can help you achieve your financial goals in the long run.


Calculate the Time You Need to Reach Your Goal

To determine how long it will take to reach your goal, you need to calculate the time it takes you to find and reach out to potential clients. Assuming it takes four minutes to find and reach out to one client, it will take approximately 170 hours of work or about seven days of work to acquire ten clients paying $1,500-$2,500 each month. However, if you charge $2,500 per client, you need only six clients, which would take about 60 hours of work or 2.5 days of work.



Building a profitable SMMA can be a lucrative way to earn a substantial income. With careful planning, the right outreach strategies, and offering a scalable service, anyone can create an SMMA that can be operated from anywhere in the world. Remember to focus on measurable returns for clients, choose a high-impact service, and create YouTube videos to pitch your services. With these steps, you can achieve your financial goals in as little as 60 days.

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